A planner that focuses on your core desired feelings. What if your planner not only helped you plan your to do list, but also inspired you to feel the way you want to feel? Every new year we set goals and resolutions and dream about how life will be better when we...
Success comes from a plan. And as the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” But using a to do list to plan or standard planner from the office supply store is usually neither inspiring, nor motivating to move forward on your goals. In my Kickstart...
We think that with rational thought and support from others telling us what to do that we can get out of our problems. That if we just put our minds to it and we think about it more and more while we disconnect from our emotions and pain, we will be able to find a...
How to get back on track with your goals Today is February 1st, which means an entire month is already complete in 2016. When you started off the year where did you think you would be today? Did you set resolutions? How about goals? Have you built up momentum and...
I see many people going through life with low self-esteem or the same emotional roller coaster patterns over and over. If you live in fear of what other people think, of them rejecting you, or you possibly rejecting them by not meeting all of their needs – You...
Meet Jill. Jill wants to inspire you. Jill wants to touch your life. Jill wants you to love and accept your body – beautiful exactly at it is. Jill is the ultimate story of strength, love, and gratitude – a story that inspires all of us to live life at its...