Let’s face it – in life shit happens. Some of you may not like that I use that word, but that is what it is. Because it rips your heart out, leaves you bleeding, and begging for some sort of relief. Those are the cold, hard, raw facts.
Sometimes you know it’s coming, many times you don’t. Either way, the pain is there, leaving you to pick up the pieces. But when there is devastation, you just can’t do it on your own. You don’t know how to do it on your own. Where to start, what to do, what it means, anything. You just deal with it day-to-day. This is your life now.
Then it starts affecting everything you do – your relationship, your family, your work, your health, your life! And you look for blame, especially your spouse since they are the easiest target being closest to you. Sometimes it comes through such a tragedy that it is complete and utter trauma and agony to your body, mind, and spirit. You are here, but you are a shell, going through the motions day-to-day.
It can be the loss of a child, the murder of someone you love, or a horrible accident that you feel responsible for. A situation unfathomable to everyday life, the kind you hear about in the movies or on the news. It happens to other people. It’s not supposed to happen to you. Did it happen to you? Is it real? Or is it just a nightmare you can’t get out of?
But it did happen to you. It is real. The question is – now what?
Your life will never be the same again. You never get over something like this. You always carry the pain with you for the rest of your life. Or do you?
What if you could release the pain? What if you forgave yourself? What if you forgave others? What if you could somehow use that pain as a source of fuel to love more, to give more, to feel more of the greatness that is also in life?
No, not it’s not there. Not in my world. It can never go back again. It was too tragic, too painful, it cannot be healed.
These are the patterns that run and keep us trapped when go through a major loss or trauma. You may have tried grief and loss counseling, bereavement counseling, or therapy and nothing has worked. Or it did help, but did not last. That’s ok. Because you see, you are not broken. You just have a different process on the road to healing. And I don’t care what you have been through. We all have a road to healing, if we choose to take it.
My story started in September 1998 when I got a call from my parents telling me my sister was murdered. I just cried out NO, NO, NO as soon as I heard. It was unreal. It wasn’t happening. Everything I wrote above is what I went through. And I went through this for 4 years. On top of that, almost exactly 1 year later I got a similar phone call that my father had passed in another crazy accident. It was trauma on top of trauma. By this time I was numb. Nothing could touch me after that. But I did feel one thing, consistently. And that was all I needed to get me through. Rage. Dark, deep unconscious rage.
My life was never going to be the same again. I would never have love, joy, or safety and comfort again. I had a right to be pissed. I had a right to be miserable and make everyone around me feel my pain and their ignorance for taking the simple things in life for granted. They still had their loved ones, their careers, their lives as they wanted. Live was good to them. What the hell were they bitching about?
I spiraled down for 4 grueling years, did everything I was supposed to do – dealing with funeral arrangements, cops, reporters, the medical examiner, questions, answers, friends, you name it! I had gained experience with things that most people never would in their lives. And I was 20 years old. I went through life believing it was bullshit and that life had it in for me and no one would ever understand. NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW MY PAIN!
And when I was rock bottom destroying my relationship and the start of my career I received divine intervention. I was led to a seminar, one that took everything I had to get me there. I didn’t know why, I didn’t know how, I just knew in the depth of my soul I needed to be there.
And numerous obstacles showed up in my path trying to prevent me from going, or so I thought. But someone believed in me. I met an incredible woman that looked at me and didn’t see what I was presenting. She saw into me, into who I was, through all of my masks, past all of the pain. She didn’t even see pain, she saw my spirit. The tiny inkling of spark that was left. The spark that was begging for help, that wanted to live and love again, but just needed help to do it because it didn’t know how.
So at the last minute I got to the seminar. A seminar that changed the entire course of my life forever. That seminar was Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins. As he spoke throughout the weekend I finally felt like someone understood my pain and what I went through. And it was OK. That’s it.
It was ok that I went through the experiences I went through. It was ok that I felt like I was raped by life at a young age and would never feel the same way again.
But it was up to me to allow myself to let go of that meaning and to create a new one, one that empowered me and allowed me to give back to others so they would never have to live another day of their life feeling the kind of pain I went through again.
I left that seminar completely reborn, renewed, and free and stripped of all the masks I had been carrying. I felt my power again. The pain was gone. The events happened, the result was the same, but the story was completely different. The story now was that I had to help others know there is hope. That it is possible! There are solutions, there are ways of healing for releasing trauma and grief recovery.
Overcoming trauma, loss, and grief can be one of the hardest battles you face. Because it is unconscious. Because it has to do with the heart and a deep emotional level. You can try it on your own. But when it becomes serious you need to reach out to another for guidance.
I don’t judge your feelings. Your feelings are real. They are there to serve you. But when you are serving your feelings and living in pain, I guide you out. And not just in the moment, but lasting transformation.
You are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you or what you are feeling. You just may have been dealt a shitty hand and just need some guidance. Especially if you continually have to deal with the effects, such as an ongoing investigation, police, and reporters as I do. These are things I understand having gone through them first hand and can provide assistance with.
If you are reading this page, you have been brought here for a reason. If you asked for a sign this is it. If you are living with pain, you do not have to. You owe it to yourself, you loved ones, your spiritual deity, to live full and freely again. Because you see, no matter what happens, no matter what we do or how we feel, no matter what we have gone through – it is our birthright to be love and happy. No judgments, no worthiness, nothing more than we are here. We are in this together. We are one.
You do not have to suffer. It’s time to spark your spirit and let it shine. So please contact me here and let’s rewrite your story.
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